State of Corruption; America in Peril

Recently during my Twitter use I came across a man, Mike Gill, State of Corruption who was a very successful businessman. He ran for Governor of New Hampshire and from what I understand while conducting business then running for Governor uncovered untold, massive fraud in his state. This fraud included but was not limited to, money laundering, human trafficking, military grade guns, drugs (fentanyl) all being run by the American government. From what I’ve gathered his state; NH is the/a hub that included much of the United States as well as international players who wish America harm.

All of which is directly affecting America and everyday Americans (to our core) with reverberations felt worldwide. This evil must be exposed. There are many brave people in America besides Mike Gill that have suffered, are still suffering, and have sacrificed everything to expose these evil players. Mike Gill owned one of the most successful mortgage company’s in America. As well he owned and ran the most successful world wide racing horses and stables. Mr. Gill was worth approximately 300+ million dollars; today he is penniless (due to repercussions of outing the NH Cartel), in hiding. He was offered 50 million dollars to go away. Today he works relentlessly to expose and stop these evil players, return America to American’s who love and respect America. Simply put return America to those who wish to make America great again. Those who wish to live in peace, harmony, with freedom to work and worship as they chose. We The People reject Communism and Corruption in America. There is no place for Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, Corruption, or Hate in America.

I hope I have given respect in this post to honor a man who has given so much for me and for you working to expose evil in our midst and save the America we love.

BREAKING! Russian Collusion! Be the first to know! Read this!

I Freaking LOVE President Trump! Actions speak louder than words!

Conservative Voices will NOT be silenced Anymore!

Why? Because he is one awesome man.

Let me name a few reasons and examples of why I love President Trump.

1. Because Trump unequivocally LOVES America! It is obvious!

2. Because Trump won’t be bullied by “The Squad”!

3. Because Trump won’t be bullied by the weak, ineffective, untruthful, lying, and crooked Lame Stream Media.

4. Because Trump won’t be bullied by the Left Wing Liberal Hacks that have infiltrated our government.

5. Because Trump won’t be bullied by the RINO’s that have infiltrated the Republican Party.

6. Because Trump won’t be bullied by Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico, or any other wannabes.

7. Because Trump will not be bullied by the Communist, Marxist, Socialists that have infiltrated America’s government.

8. Because Trump will not be bullied by the Terrorists Domestic and Foreign that have infiltrated America’s government. Simply named Creeping Sharia.

If You are a hard-working American citizen; dedicated, productive, loyal, and you love America; Trump loves YOU!  Trump does not care what color your skin is, what you look like, or what your religion is, Trump loves America. Trump plans to save America and her Allies.

If you have a tiff with Trump or have had a tiff with Trump. Get over it! Wipe your tears, stop being a baby, pull yourself up by your boot straps and let’s all get in this together to save America and Make America Great Again.

Trump loves American citizens and Trump is a fair man, you can take that to the bank.

For your reading pleasure and PROOF of Trumps Good Will toward ALL Men:

US Formally Withdraws From Nuclear Peace Treaty With Russia and will test new missile.

Trump’s Actions Prove He’s NO RACIST

Candace Owens Reveals Why She Likes “The Squad”



Yes We Cain

Being confident that Herman Cain will defeat Barack Obama and become the next President of the United States is definitely a positive feeling I have.  Now, after tonight do I feel the same way…as confident?  Absolutely.

Other like minded Republicans believe that Rick Santorum will be the next president, our beloved Sarah Palin may run?, however I believe “May the last man standing be the best man”.


Additional Reading:
Voting Female: The Conservative Attack Kitty-Sarah Palin Denies The Enemy of America Their Weapons Against Her; Her Supporters Follow Her into 2012 Political Battle
Voting American: God Bless the United States of America-Coming Soon…..Net Neutrality, Martial Law and The New World Order
Bob Mack: Be sure you are right then Go Ahead-30 Pieces Of Silver
Mountain Republic-Real Freedom likes in The Wilderness, Not Civilization-Congressman: Secret Report On TSA Pat Downs, Body Scanner Failures Will “Knock Your Socks Off”
CMBlake6: Things will arise and he will comment-That “you click one, you click the next, you click the next, y…”

Obama Stifling Job Growth and Choking off Energy Independence in America




Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors - The Obama M.O.

What else can be said folks?  I have a sneaking suspicion some if not a lot of the sheeple that blog liberally as well as others across the nation will vote for this narcissistic, marinated in Marxism, liberation theology goop, yet again.  That is IF he runs, but what narcissist wouldn’t?

Maybe not because he’s half white or half black but because discerning a lie from reality is not their forte and seeing that their friends and family have lost their jobs and are unable to find employment based simply on the fact that this type of detrimental behavior perpetrated by the Left is the reason why they remain unemployed with prices for everything skyrocketing.

All this while the majority of “American Energy” sits idle in the Gulf of Mexico.  The Obammer Administration with their strangling regulation of government and business across America are who is stifling job growth, employment, as well as America’s energy independence.   Don’t give me the “if we drill today it won’t help today”, THAT IS A BUNCH OF HOG A DOUBLE S WASH.  If we had began exploration and drilling in ANWR two years ago…or had the continued ineffectual Moratorium been lifted in the Gulf area…I rest my case. 

We certainly wouldn’t be whooping and hollaring for Brazil ???? would we?    Let’s give American jobs, to Brazil.  Let’s give our energy independence to Brazil.  better yet, let’s give Brazil our MONEY!  Yep.  That is what Dear Leader has done for you.

I didn’t say it, it is the News.

Read More Here.



UPDATE…OF COURSE:  Brazilian Oil Drilling
Even though President Obama is against offshore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan $2 Billion of our taxpayer dollars (which we can’t afford to loan since we’re broke) to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil! (Petrobras).  The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA !

Now here’s the real clincher…the Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil this field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels”… We have absolutely no gain from this transaction whatsoever!

Wait, it gets more interesting.

Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was President Obama’s most generous financial supporter during his campaign. If you are able to connect the dots and follow the money, you are probably as upset as I am. Not a word of this transaction was broadcast on any of the other news networks! Are they doing their job? Think about it.

Below is the Wall street Journal article confirming this information.

Additional Reading
Voting Female Speaks Be-Wear the Union Label; SEIU alum plots attack on US Economy; Obama silent
Arlene Army Conservative Black Female Republican Correlation Between “NON-Right-to-Work” Law & 2-Party-Consent Law
Voting American God Bless America The President gave another Speech, Yada, yada, yada
Bob Mack Be Sure you’re Right Uncle Bomb’s Cabin
Mountain Republic Real Freedom lies in Wilderness not Civilization God Rewards The Fearless
Cmblake6 Weblog Have you heard the one about… 

Hell yeah! – The Forgotten Man by Jon McNaughton

Thank you Jon McNaughton for your work, thoughts, and for sharing them with us…Freedom loving Americans.

What has President Obama done? Visit:

Against the background of a darkening sky, all of the past Presidents of the United States gather before the White House, as if to commemorate some great event. In the left hand corner of the painting sits a man. That man, with his head bowed appears distraught and hopeless as he contemplates his future. Some of the past Presidents try to console him while looking in the direction of the modern Presidents as if to say, “What have you done?” Many of these modern Presidents, seemingly oblivious to anything other than themselves, appear to be congratulating each other on their great accomplishments. In front of the man, paper trash is blowing in the wind. Crumpled dollar bills, legislative documents, and, like a whisper—the U.S. Constitution beneath the foot of Barack Obama.

For my take on the painting, check out my website:…OR to read my response to some common criticisms of the painting, click on this link:

Additional Reading
Voting Female Speaks!  Arizona Assassinations: Progressive Left Wing’s equivalence of a “911 attack” on Americans

Season’s Greetings and Merry Christmas!

How’s that BIG “Obama” JOBS working out for ya?


T’was the night before elections

And all through the town

Tempers were flaring

Emotions all up and down

I, in my bathrobe

With a cat in my lap

Had cut off the TV

tired of political clap-trap

When all of a sudden

There arose such a noise

I peered out my window

Saw Obama and his boys

They had come for my wallet

They wanted my pay

To give to the others

Who had not worked a day!

He snatched up my money

And quick as a wink

Jumped back on his bandwagon

As I gagged from the stink

He then rallied his henchmen

Who were pulling his cart

I could tell they were out

To tear our country apart!

‘On Fannie, on Freddie,

On Biden and Ayers!

On Acorn, On Pelosi’

He screamed at the pairs!

They took off for his cause

And as they flew out of sight

I heard him laugh at the nation

Who wouldn’t stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think

On this one final note—




Top Ten Lies about S. 510

All I can say, is what a bunch of freaking Marxist Morons.  RINO’s too, don’t be duped folks.  Voting for obvious RINO’s will also put you directly into the Democrats’ “Titanic”

We have already seen first hand how Democrats and Independants were duped into voting for Obama; they got what they deserved.  A BIG FAT ZERO.

Now, don’t believe me read up and be privy yourself.  The information is available for the taking.

Marxist Liars

By Mike Adams
Natural News

S.510 is supposed to help the FDA so that it can clean up the food supply and protect all Americans from food-borne pathogens.

There’s just one problem with all this: It’s all a big lie.

Here are the ten biggest lies by Food Freedom that have been promoted about S.510 by the U.S. Congress, the food industry giants and the mainstream media:

Lie #1 – Most deaths from food poisoning are caused by fresh produce  (BS)

Lie #2 – Under S.510, the FDA would only recall products it knows to be contaminated (FDA Opinion only BS!)

Lie #3 – They didn’t tell you that nearly 70% of grocery store chickens are contaminated with salmonella every day (FEAR MONGERING-NOT EVEN MENTIONED IN THE BILL)

Lie #4 – S.510 will exclude and protect small farmers (BS!!!)

Wake up folks and Read Entire Article @ FoodFreedom!

Additional Reading:
Voting Female Speaks! Marxist NBC News Calls Black Conservative Allen West “Bigoted, Ignorant”
Voting American We The People Speak President Obama Wee-Wee-ed up over Wiki-leaks
Arlene Army Conservative Black Female Blog Westboro Baptist Church Thugs Invade McAlester, Oklahoma
CMBlake Things will arise and He will Comment Yes indeed. Lovin’ it.
Crockett Lives Be sure you’re right, then go ahead 8 RINOs Help Senate Vote Down Ban On Earmarks, 39-56

Watch Obama During Ramadan

Muslims for Obama, awww isn’t that sweet?

blog post photo

Muslim Hate for Infidels (Americans in case you don’t know what that means)

blog post photo

Hello people, beautiful people, settlers in Judea are watching and know exactly what Obama is doing in his usual clandestine way. Guess what it is?

Obama will be celebrating Ramadan beginning this year on 12 August 10 ; the month long fast for Muslims.   

During Ramadan, Muslims wake up before sunrise and eat a meal then they fast till sunset. During this daily fast they neither eat, drink, or smoke.  You know the brother at the White house will be hiding and smoking (weak), heck even the Islamic Muslims know a fake when they see one.

At the end of the month there is a feast call Id El Fitr. I have heard that many Muslims gain an enormous amount of weight because they feast all night dreading the impending sunrise.  Fasting, yeah right.  eat all night and fast during daylight hours…I just don’t get it.  But to each his own.  1st Ramadan (Fasting Begins) August 12, 2010 Keep an eye on Obama from this date till Sept 10th when Ramadan ends.this year.

If you want to wish him a happy Ramadan Month, the proper greeting is Ramadan Kareem.

Last year if you remember I suspected that his big to do with Gates and Crowley, (infamous “beer summit”) inviting them of all things to a BEER, was intentional to make us think that he drinks alcohol which is against Islam, OTOH it is a fact that terrorists have a dispensation to drink alcohol and eat pork to fool us infidels.

For some truth and enjoyment…Here is a Redstate Update for you.

Additional Reading

Voting Female Socialist Outraged over RINO-Sucklings
LisainTX  Sound, Movement, and The Great Spirit
Cmblake6  Just a Quickie for tonight
Toosmalltosucceed  Obama breathes new life to Castro’s 51 years of Socialist/Marxist/Communist Revolution
CrushSocialsm  Pudgy MSNBC Moonbats 

Ramp Ceremony

Hero Soldiers being sent home

Hero Soldiers being sent home

 We know these are happening nearly everyday as we go along here minding our own business.  A wife, a mother, a husband, a father, a family is mourning the loss of a loved one.  Perhaps wishing the world would stop revolving.

The cruel reality is that while we currently live free (I wonder for how much longer) it is because the sacrifice of these soldiers.

I know very little about Ramp Ceremonies other than this is the honoring of the life lost in battle.  Where a soldiers remains are loaded onto a C130 via the Ramp.   Service men from every branch attend these ramp ceremonies nearly every day in Afghanistan.
Be mindful of the high price of Freedom and do not let slimy parasitic politicians that know niether victory nor defeat steal our freedom.

Deadliest Month in Afghanistan   6 US service members have been killed in Afghanistan, bringing the toll for July to 66 & making it the deadliest month in the near-nine-year war.

Additiona Reading

Voting Female  A dialog echoed around this country
LisainTX  Our Food Supply, deadly soft kill
CMBlake6  Serious Stuff