I thought the Expiration Date had run out on blaming Bush and Republicans…

Health Destruction = 100% Supported by the Elderly and Small Business Owners

Health Destruction = 100% Supported by the Elderly and Small Business Owners

Regarding the Health Destruction

How come the first 10 words out of his mouth tonight were, “I inherited” (from Bush and Republicans).  Then he went into this whole dissertation about how it is someone elses fault, ok.  Excuse me here brother, but Guess What?  It is YOUR economy now…

You know what I say?  BHO, You are a follower, NOT A Leader; everyone knows what a good leader does and that is to LEAD By EXAMPLE; does he? NO!  When asked point blank if his family would fall under his health plan for “We The People” he expicitly said, NO!  

Dear President Obama,

When does the “Expiration Date” run out for blaming the President before you? We already said, 15 April 09, but you know what, You haven’t stopped blaming him yet. Your days should have already run out and they have, but you just can’t seem to move forward. 

Speaking of The Obama Presidency staying in the past and the inablility to move forward (actually I can think of numerous issues).  Always looking to the past and slipping in your wedge so deftly to spread your racism.  There is no video of your PLANTED reporter to place here in this post, however if one comes available I will put it in. 

Remember during your health care sell job tonight on the news? The LAST reporter that asked about some man somewhere arrested trying to get into his house?   For a president to jump up and answer the way you did and accuse all Law Enforcment Officers of Racial Profiling is a disgrace.  What I did hear was you say something to the effect, “long history of African Americans and Latinos being disproportionately accused or stopped for doing NOTHING wrong”  Generally speaking, of course I don’t know if someone did something wrong or not and you surely don’t know. I did hear you also call the officer “STUPID”. Now, Mr. President since you stated up front, “I don’t know any details” then how can you call the officer “STUPID”? Here is another case of you dumbing down the office of the president. PLEASE STOP! Let’s see here now, how many people so far have you brought up to the Office of The Presidency; Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly,Police officer…

We The People are NOT Stupid! It was obvious that reporter was planted and her question was too.  What a masterful way to defer your Health Disaster plan than to end with a planted reporter and turn the entire evenings focus to racism.  Mr. President, you are the Axis of Racism.  Now, back to the Blame Game.

Your days of complaining have run out.  It’s your presidency, now take it. YOU WON as you gloated, so act like it.

President George Bush did not COMPLAIN, when 9-11 hit and blame it on Bill Clinton. Never heard him once say that in the news. He took the responsibility. His friends who knew him said that was just how he was. He was gracious in that sense and wouldn’t blame another United States President. We The People suggest you do the same.

You copy his spending in a much faster pace, and yet say, “he did it?”  Then why are YOU doing it in a more frightening frenzied faster way, and making it worse? I suggest while you imitate Bush’s bad faults as you say–maybe you can copy the good ones and respect the “office” of the presidency and your predecessors.

You have no more days to complain;  your time has run out! You’re the Captain now. You are at the wheel. Take responsibility and stop creating crisis’ using other American presidents as an excuse.

Signed, The American People

Excerpts reprinted by permission of Caroline.

Caroline is a member of The Patriotic Resistance and a Patriot. If you want your freedom and have the courage to defend it join The Patriotic Resistance.

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